"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, October 01, 2007

Fun Weekend

This past weekend we went down to the St. Louis area to visit Hubby's bro & sis-in-law, more affectionately known as Uncle Teeb and Uh-Cole. It was such a great visit. We are so glad they are closer to us now!

We went on Saturday morning and all went to the zoo. It was great. There were so many animals to see, and Punky had fun. She doesn't seem too scared of anything quite yet. I am sure my absolute hatred and total fear of frogs will someday rub off onto her, but alas, she still looked at them up close.

When asked, Punky says her favorite things were the crocodiles (which didn't even look real) and the train that we rode around the zoo. They even had peanut butter and jelly packets there for lunch that Punky could eat with her fingers! Perfect. It was so much fun that she fell asleep before we even got back to the car.

Saturday evening Uh-cole and I went shopping (always a good time) and then we had the most delicious pizza at Roma's. YUM YUM! Sunday we went to church with Uh-cole and got to hear her preach~no surprise, she did a wonderful job~we were so proud of her! We then went to Teeb's church to see/hear him play the worship. He, of course, did awesome as well.

All in all we had a wonderful time just hanging out and watching Punky torture poor Mozart the cat and Smudge the Pug. I am sure they are very happy Punky is out of their home! I am so thankful we had a chance to go down for the visit, and hope we can go back again soon! Luckily, we will see them again in only three short weeks at Grandma's wedding (sounds so weird to say that!!).



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