"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, October 14, 2007


So, I have already said how much a I LOVE fall weather, but the best is getting out the winter jammies. For some reason (which I will not question) winter jammies bring about lots of cuddles. I also think it makes me feel a little bit like Punky is still a baby...when we would wrap her up in warm clothes and blankies and just hold her. She still likes us to hold her, but she sure is a lot more squirmy than she used to be...

I have been so busy, and posting has not been as often as I have wanted it to be. We had Uncle Teeb here staying with us for a few days, and Punky LOVED it. She now has a new Buddy. I found her a couple of times downstairs with him instead of upstairs playing. He was very good with her, and I love it when people actually talk to her like a person (as he did) instead of like a baby (which I do). We are so thankful they have moved closer so that we can see them much more often!

In other news, we are going this weekend to Hubby's grandma's wedding (yes, that is correct). That should be quite the interesting blog when we get back home.


Pastor Nicole said...

I can't wait to see you all! Its so exciting to see you so often. And then I remind myself that this is how its supposed to be! haha!


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