"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Daddy's Girl

So last night Punky and I went to see Hubby play in his soccer league. Punky was very excited, as she is really liking soccer, and anything Hubby is doing, she wants to do to.

Once we got there and Hubby started playing, Punky says (as she is walking toward the playing field) "I need to go help Daddy!" It was hard to keep her off the field.

It was getting dark and the bugs were out, so I decided to take Punky home before the game officially ended. That was a mistake. I have never heard such a SAD cry. "My Daddy! My Daddy!" was what she was screaming as we were trying to leave. It was so bad, that Hubby actually subbed out of the game for a few minutes to try to comfort her. Once in the car, she cried almost the whole way home, saying, "My Daddy" like we were leaving forever.

I really got to thinking that she is very much a Daddy's girl. She is always around him and wanting to do everything with him. Yes, she wants to be near me too, but usually only to play something or to have me help her with something. She genuinely loves to be around her Daddy. Hubby made the comment the other day, "It's like having a little puppy who follows me around all the time! Never had one of those before!"

I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband and father for my daughter. He is the best. I couldn't have imagined a better husband, and I am so glad God hand-picked him for me!


Pastor Nicole said...

I love the naked video game playing! haha!

I can't wait to see you guys!


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