"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Great Day on the Potty

We have finally had a good day on the potty. From the time Punky got up this morning, we sat her on the potty and she went. Up until this point, she would get excited the first time, and then not want anything to do with it the rest of the day. She was even rejecting her pull-ups and requesting the diaper. We didn't want to push her too hard and turn her off completely, so we have been pretty laid back with it.

So today I told her that the diapers were all gone and she had to wear big girl pants. She bought it. I didn't push her, but just tried to make it sound fun, and reminded her of the Skittle that awaited her if she went. She went on the potty 5 times today, and one time she even told me before she had to go. A Milestone!

I hope this is the beginning of the end of diapers for her. Unfortunately, I DREAD taking her to the bathroom in public places. I haven't quite figured out a sanitary way of doing that~I welcome any ideas!

I am so thankful for my day off during the week. It allowed me to really concentrate on the potty today. Sometimes the weekends can be so crazy, so hopefully today will set a good foundation.



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