"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bad Morning

So, it is probably not a surprise to the people that know me, but I hate mornings...I hate getting up, I hate getting ready for the day, I hate having to be on time to get somewhere so early.

So, the last few mornings, I have had to get Punky to the babysitter early because Hubby had to teach a class at work. I found myself getting frustrated and stressed, all by 7:30 a.m. So, one of those mornings, I had been impatient with Punky, she had made me late, and I was simply enjoying the quietness in the car on the way to the sitter. We passed a grain elevator that had some sort of a smoke stack with smoke billowing out of it. Punky said, "Look MAMA! They are making breakfast!" It just made me think how much I over think, over do, over analyze, and get overly frustrated about things and then Punky brings me back to reality...there is happiness in seeing the small stuff. I have to remember that.


Growing Older....in my later days! said...

I am just the opposite of you. I love the mornings. I wake up and rejoice God has given me another day to serve Him. If I don't get things done in the morning, well it is not going to get done late at night. We compliment each other.


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