"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Famous words from Punky...

Here are some more cute things the little princess has surprised us with lately:

We were eating dinner, and her mac n cheese was on her Elmo plate. We were trying to get her to eat, so I said "Hey, I can't see Elmo because there is mac n cheese there. You better eat some so we can find him." She then started scooting the mac n cheese to the bottom of the plate so we could see his face. Then I said, "No, I want to see his feet." She looked at me like I was crazy and then proceeded to move the mac n cheese to an entirely different section of the plate, instead of eating it. Way too smart for her own good.

Punky was being funny, and Hubby said "You are so silly!" She immediately said, "No Dada, I'm pretty!" That's a princess for you.

Punky really likes the movie Peter Pan. One day she was in our bedroom and got a hanger and was holding it so that it looked like she had a hook on her hand (like the boys John and Michael do in the movie). I asked what she was doing and she said, "Come on, Mama, let's play Michael's house!" Too cute.

I have been addicted to Grey's Anatomy lately, but usually watch it when she is in bed (you just can't get anything out of a show while she is awake). There have been a few times I have told her I was watching Greys. One day I had left a wrapper on the coffee table and she asked me what it was. I told her I had a snack while I was watching TV. She then said, "Oh, you ate it while you watched Greys?" I guess I didn't realize how much she hears me.

And my favorite...

Punky and I were laying in bed talking. Most of you know she has a cyst on her eyebrow. Well, that day I had a pimple on my eyebrow so I had her feel it. She felt mine and said "Mama has a bump, Punky has a bump...we can be bumpy together!"


Pastor Nicole said...

Hilarious! I really needed that this cold, early Sunday morning! Can't wait to see you guys!


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