"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Vote Vote Vote...Pray Pray Pray

I went this morning to vote before work and taking Punky to school. She went with me.

This is my third presidential election which I have voted. I never took it too seriously...However, with this election between Barack Obama and John McCain, I have never been more aware of how big a privilege and responsibility this is-as an American and as a Christian. As I was walking out of the school where I voted, I got tears in my eyes. God really placed on my heart the fact that I am very blessed to live in this country. I have the privilege and right to vote however I want, without fear of persecution. I thanked God right there while walking to the car for allowing me to do this. I also prayed...prayed for the country to turn to God, prayed that whoever wins the election would be right for our country, and that God would use him. Our country needs that.


Anonymous said...

I'm extremely proud of you! Yes we take our freedom for granted many times and it is such a privilege and responsibility for the future of our families to exercise our right to cast a ballot. grrus


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