"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, April 27, 2008

You can't hide from the truth...

Unfortunately, we are at that stage...the lying stage. Punky is learning the difference between lying and telling the truth. Well, she has been trying to get away with lying now.

So, as a background for this story, Punky loves "shakes". Basically, Ovaltine or Nesquick in milk is her favorite. It has added vitamins, so we try to let her have some each day if she is good. She asked for a strawberry one the other day, and Hubby was in the middle of something, so he said "wait a minute". Punky then proceeded to go into the kitchen, get the strawberry Nesquick out of the cabinet, open it, spill it, and eat the dry powder (yes, she could have choked to death!). She then went back to Hubby downstairs. He immediately knew what she had done, and asked her if she had eaten the shake powder. She said no. He asked her several times to make sure, and she ademately denied having anything to do with the powder...this is the face he saw....

They then proceeded back upstairs where Hubby found the open container and spilled powder. After asking a couple more times, Punky finally "fessed up". Hubby tried explaining what it meant to tell the truth...either she really doesn't quite get what lying is yet, or she is playing a very good game.



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