"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bible Study

Hubby and I have been in a WONDERFUL small group Bible study going through the old testament. It truly has been informative and eye-opening and we have really enjoyed it. There is quite a bit of homework week to week, but we have really enjoyed spending time together doing it...usually while Punky is sleeping.

On Saturday, Punky was in the other room playing, and Hubby and I decided to relax on our bed and read our study together. We were sitting there and Punky came in a few times to see what we were doing. A few minutes later, she comes in and asks if she can sit on the bed with us. We of course said sure. She comes back in, with her pen, notebook, and Bible and says "I'm going to do my Bible study too!" And she sat on the bed and wrote in her notebook and read her Bible just like us. It was so cute that I had to take a picture.
It just goes to show you that little eyes and ears pick up what you are doing, even when you don't realize it. It is so important to teach by example, and not just by words, especially with children.


Anonymous said...

Precious memories you are creating!!! How very dear this is and will become in future years!! Love ya, Gra Rus

rachel b said...

Brady and I saw Maron from church at dinner the other night and after she left, he said, "That is Maron, my friend from class. Haven is my friend too, she helps me put the babies to sleep." Too cute! :)


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