"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Radio Sadness

I have my alarm clock set to wake me up to the radio...usually I wake up and turn it off before the news comes on. I don't like to watch or listen to the news anymore...it is usually, sad, sickening, or scary. So, I don't listen.

However, the other morning, the news came on and I didn't shut it off. They were talking about the universal health care bill and how it is in the Senate (or something like that) and they are taking parts out and adding things in. Then, they got a statement from one of the Senators and he stated something like "We should not allow the issue of abortion to prevent millions of people from having health care". I absolutely couldn't believe my ears. How about let's not let the issue of abortion prevent millions of people from living!!!! If I knew the name of the person that said that, I would write a letter. It saddens me that now, abortion is not a big controversial thing that we all debate, but rather an issue or debate that we throw under the rug in order to pass another bill.



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