"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, December 28, 2008


So, Punky does officially believe in Santa...I am not sure how that happened, but somehow we have to ease her into the reality that he doesn't...anyways...

Grandma gave Punky a gift in a blue snowman bag. I, of course, save all give bags to reuse. So, as I was wrapping Punky's presents on Christmas Eve night from Santa, I grabbed that gift bag, not even thinking.

Christmas morning, Punky starts unwrapping all of her presents and gets to that one. She looks at it and says, "Wow! Another snowman bag! I wonder how Santa knew to get that one!" She obviously remembered the bag and was questioning it...she is way to smart for her own good.

Also, she was not going to bed like a good girl the other night and I said, okay, I am going to leave a note for Santa so that he won't leave us any presents. She got very serious and asked if I was going to call him. I said I didn't have the number and she said that Jen (her babysitter) does. She said Jen called Santa when they were being bad and told him to stop making toys! She thought that was going to happen again! Too funny.

I am very thankful for this Christmas...we did not have to travel outside of town once! We did have quite a few get togethers, but it all worked out in the end.



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